How To Apply
Applications are now closed. If you are interested in applying for U.Dance 2023 please contact us.
Please create and submit a dance piece through one of the following application routes:
• U.Dance on Stage: A filmed dance piece that is designed to be performed on stage. This can be filmed on a stage or in a dance studio/space. If selected for Screen Moves this piece will be screened online. If selected for the U.Dance National Festival this piece will be performed live, on stage, in front of a live audience in Glasgow in July 2022.
• U.Dance on Screen: A screen dance piece that is designed to be viewed on screen / digitally. This can be filmed in any location. If selected for Screen Moves this piece will be screened online. If selected for the U.Dance National Festival this piece will be screened online and potentially on the big screen at partner cinema locations. U.Dance on Screen groups/individuals will not go to Glasgow, all activity will be online.
To apply you must complete and submit the following by the deadline:
· All sections of the online application form. Please note that we are now closed for applications.
· The online equality and diversity monitoring form
· Your dance film submitted by including the URL link to the video in your application form
· Confirmation that the music/sound used in the dance film is not subject to copyright and that you are adhering to the terms of usage by the artist/writer/publisher/site.
All applications MUST be made via the online application form.
By telephone. Telephone application appointments must be made in advance by contacting Sarah Kearney on or call Sarah’s direct line: 07483 098854 or the general office tel: 01273 696844
An independent regional panel will consider all dance film applications based on the One Dance UK criteria and eligibility guidelines and invite a number of filmed dance pieces to be programmed as part of Screen Moves. The chosen dances will be shown on one or both dates, depending on how many pieces the panel select for the platform.
All applicants will be notified of results by 28 January 2022.
The selection panel at all Regional Platforms will create a shortlist of dance pieces that meet the following criteria:
1. Demonstrate excellence in performance
2. Present excellent and engaging choreography*
3. Show dancers taking clear ownership of the choreography, which is appropriate for their age and experience*
4. Demonstrate respect and consideration to all (demonstrated through the appropriateness of performance content).
*A note on choreography: Excellent work selected for the U.Dance National Festival in previous years has been created by group leaders, teachers, young people, professional choreographers and any number of collaborations. There is no preferred ‘type’ of choreographer and no weighting in the selection process is given to who created the piece.
If selected you will be required to send your final edited version of your film as an MP4 file by the beginning of March 2022. This must be the same film, but the finished version of your initial submission. Details on how to send us your MP4 files will be provided on notification of selection.
Please note:
- The link to the equal opportunities monitoring form is included in the online application form.
- For the selected groups as part of the online streaming on YouTube and Facebook South East Dance will show the title of the piece, name of group and music track details before each dance piece is presented.
- The online application form will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Therefore, please allow time to complete the full application form as it is not possible to save the form and return later. To avoid losing any work, you may wish to save your responses in a separate document first, then copy and paste it over to the online application form when you are ready to submit.
- It is advisable to set some time aside to prepare your application prior to completing and submitting the online application form.
- The full list of questions is available here for your reference to allow you to prepare for completing the online application form.
- Guidance notes for filming and submitting your footage can be found here.
Public Liability Insurance
Please be prepared to provide proof of Public Liability Insurance cover if selected for the Screen Moves.
Independent dancers working as a solo on their own will not require Public Liability Insurance cover.
Please contact South East Dance if you have any questions about Public Liability Insurance.
Preparing your space and staying safe
If you are working alone we advise that you make sure you have a clear space to move in, removing potential trip hazards. Make sure you have enough room to dance in without hitting furniture or anything around you. It is advisable not to dance if you do not feel well or have an injury. Let an adult know that you are creating/rehearsing your dance piece and make sure they are close by throughout the session in case you need help. If there is no an adult nearby, please make sure you can contact someone who can get to you quickly if you need help or assistance.
Child Performance Licensing -Body Of Persons Approval (BOPA)
South East Dance will be applying for a BOPA for the U.Dance Digital South East Regional Platform. If selected for the platform dance films that include dancers aged 16 years or under will need to complete a Brighton & Hove City Council Participant Information form. South East Dance will provide this on notification of selection.
The details you will need to provide for the BOPA will include:
- Address of the group / adult contact for soloists
- The local authority in which each dancer resides.
- You may need to provide the name of supervising DBS checked adults for your group; for example - school teacher/dance teacher/group leader/assistants
- Confirmation that you have a register for all participants during rehearsals and filming, together with a list of emergency contact numbers for each child.
- Confirmation that you have obtained a statement of fitness from each child’s parent/carer and know about any children with special /medical needs.
Please consider the safety and well-being of your dancers during the rehearsal and filming process and refer to your organisation/school/group’s safeguarding policy when working with children and young people.
Your dance piece must be appropriate for a family audience of all ages.
Content: Only include age appropriate movements, themes and issues for your group. Please consider how the piece will come across to your audience.
Filming: Please consider the appropriate filming of young people including the shots, close-ups, framing and editing.
Costumes: No revealing costumes, no costumes with a nude effect, no costumes that sexualise young people. Please ensure all costumes are age appropriate for the dancers.
Music: No swearing, no violent language and no explicit content.
Please note that for safeguarding reasons participants’ must NOT be identified by name in your submitted dance film. This means that you must not include their individual names anywhere on the film, including in the film credits. For dance pieces selected for Screen Moves - U.Dance Digital South East Regional Platform, South East Dance will include the names of all dancers, separate to the filmed pieces, in the final platform credits and in the digital programme. If you would like to speak to us regarding credits please do get in contact.
Please consider the location you are filming in. For safeguarding reasons South East Dance strongly advise against filming in private spaces such as bedrooms. We advise using communal or public spaces as filming locations.
Please consider that this film will be shown publicly for anyone to view globally. Therefore, please do not include personal, private or identifying content in the film including in the titles, film and credits.
Examples include: information that reveals the location of participants’ homes, family details, year group, contact or social media details for young people.
Check out the U.Dance Good Practise Film produced by our friends at Dance4.
How to Apply Part 1
Applying for U.Dance 2022

Screen Moves: U.Dance Digital South East Regional Platform 2022
Screen Moves is a celebration of dance, showcasing the variety and diversity of youth dance from across the south east region.

Application Questions
To help you prepare for your U.Dance Digital South East Regional Platform application find all the questions included in the online application form.

Application Filming Guidelines
Use the Dos and Don’ts to help you make sure that you give your group and dance piece the best possible chance with our panel.

U.Dance National Festival 2022
One Dance UK’s U.Dance National Festival 2022 is scheduled to be held in Glasgow on 22-24 July 2022.

Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions about the U.Dance Regional Platform