Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions about the U.Dance Regional Platform.
QU: What if some dancers in my group are younger or older than the eligible age range?
A: You will not be eligible for selection for the U.Dance National Festival. However, the regional panel may consider your application for Screen Moves– this will be at the panel’s discretion. Priority will be given to applications with all dancers in the eligible age range. Next in line for consideration are applications with most of dancers within the eligible age range.
If you have dancers outside the eligible age range, in the online application form please include the following details as part of question 15: The number of dancers outside the eligible age range and provide their ages.
Please select ‘No’ when asked if you would like to be considered as part of the selection for U.Dance National Festival 2022.
QU: Can I submit a work-in-progress or an incomplete piece?
A: Submit the dance film as a finished version of your piece, or as close to being completed as possible. If selected you will have the opportunity to re-submit the final edit of your dance film.
Work-in-progress or pieces in the early stages of being created will not be considered by the regional panel.
QU: Is there anywhere I can get advice about filming my dance piece?
A: Yes – One Dance UK hosted Filming for Dance Upskilling Webinars with dance film experts. These were filmed in December 2020 with a particular focus on dance for children and young people. Here are the links to the recordings of the Webinars:
Filming Dance for Stage
Filming Dance for Screen
QU: Can I film my piece on my phone or other home device?
A: Yes. More details are available in the One Dance UK Film Upskilling Workshops. Links to the workshops are in the question above.
QU: Can I apply with one piece and change it to another if selected?
A: No – the filmed dance piece or dance film you submit in your application MUST be the SAME as the final edit you send to us as an MP4 file to be included in Screen Moves.
QU: Can I apply with a piece that we have performed before and with a different group of dancers?
Submit a dance piece that has not been extensively showcased. The panel are looking for recent pieces that have either not been performed/screened before or have only been shown a few times. Please only submit pieces with the dancers who will appear in the final edit of your piece, if selected.
QU: Can groups, schools and soloists apply with more than one piece?
A: You can submit more than one piece. In this instance you must complete a separate application form for each piece. When submitting each video link of each piece please clearly label every video link with the title of the piece. However, it is recommended that you consider choosing the piece that you feel has the best chance of being selected and work for a really strong application with that one piece.
QU: Can I apply as a U.Dance on Screen piece and then change to U.Dance on Stage, or vice versa?
A: No. You must choose at application stage whether you are applying under the U.Dance on Stage strand or the U.Dance on Screen strand. You cannot apply under both strands with the same piece. You cannot change from one strand to the other once you have submitted your piece at application stage. If you apply with two completely different pieces, you can apply with one piece as U.Dance on Stage and the other as U.Dance on Screen, but you cannot change either piece to the other strand once submitted.
QU: Do groups or individuals in U.Dance on Screen films get the opportunity to attend the U.Dance National Festival in person?
A: No. U.Dance on Screen pieces will be considered for the digital and on screen elements of the U.Dance National Festival. These groups/individuals would not go to the festival in person. Only U.Dance on Stage pieces can be considered for selection to attend the U.Dance National Festival live in person.
QU: What are the guidelines about appropriate content?
A: Your dance piece must be appropriate for a family audience of all ages.
When creating your dance film please consider age appropriate: content, themes, filming, costumes and music. Please see the Safeguarding section in these application guidelines for more details. Check out the U.Dance Good Practise Film produced by our friends at Dance4 here.
QU: Can I submit my dance film as a URL link to Vimeo or YouTube?
A: Yes. At application stage you can submit your dance film as a URL link. If this is a private password protected link please make sure you also include the password on your application form
If selected for Screen Moves you must submit the final edit of your film as an MP4 file. South East Dance will be in contact on notification of selection to let you know how to submit your MP4 file to our Dropbox account.
QU: If our group was in the U.Dance National Festival 2021 can we apply for Screen Moves and also be considered for the U.Dance National Festival 2022?
A: YES! As long as you are applying with a different dance piece than was showcased at the National Festival 2021 and that your application meets the eligibility guidelines.
QU: Do you have any advice about health and safety?
A: Please refer to your Safeguarding policy and Risk Assessment.
If you would like to talk to us in relation to health and safety in your setting please contact
One Dance UK have produced helpful guides to taking part safely online. There are lots of useful points in there that can be applied to different contexts on the Taking Part Safely page here.
QU: Where can I find out information about last year’s U.Dance National Festival?
A: Last year’s National Festival unfortunately was not able to take place live. Instead the festival was hosted online as U.Dance Digital 2021. Take a look at the U.Dance Digital 2021 showcases here.
Updates for the U.Dance National Festival 2022 will be posted in the coming months on the One Dance UK website
QU: Are there any resources available from One Dance UK and last year’s U.Dance National Festival?
A: YES! One Dance UK have provided resources on dance training and careers here:
QU: Who can I contact at South East Dance if I have questions about my U.Dance application?
A: Sarah Kearney by email at: or by telephone on: 07483 098854. Sarah’s working days are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Frequently Asked Questions
Applying for U.Dance 2022

Screen Moves: U.Dance Digital South East Regional Platform 2022
Screen Moves is a celebration of dance, showcasing the variety and diversity of youth dance from across the south east region.

Application Questions
To help you prepare for your U.Dance Digital South East Regional Platform application find all the questions included in the online application form.

Application Filming Guidelines
Use the Dos and Don’ts to help you make sure that you give your group and dance piece the best possible chance with our panel.

U.Dance National Festival 2022
One Dance UK’s U.Dance National Festival 2022 is scheduled to be held in Glasgow on 22-24 July 2022.