Easy Fundraising

Whenever you shop online, from a computer or your phone, you could be raising free donations for South East Dance with Easyfundraising. From your insurance and household bills to the weekly food shop, Easyfundraising won’t cost you a penny but will help us raise funds to continue making dance for, and with, everybody.

Fan Dance Theatre Company at Our City Dances 2019. Photo Jen O'Brien

There are over 4,000 online shops and websites who will donate to South East Dance for free every time you shop online. It only takes a minute to sign up, and can be added to your browser to remind you each time you make a purchase. 

Shop more frequently on your mobile than computer? Easyfundraising is also available as a free mobile app, which can be downloaded from any app store.

As a registered arts charity, we rely on the generosity of our supporters, and with Easyfundraising we are now able to raise funds at no cost to you. Donations of any size help us to continue our work and ensure the most interesting dance gets made, and that all people have greater opportunities to enjoy and get actively involved in dance.

Visit our donations page to find out more about our fundraising and the sort of projects your donations would support.


Some of the retailers you can support us with

Logos of companies that are part of the easyfundraising campaign
A selection of some of the retailers available through Easyfundraising

Find out more about the projects your donations support

This is an image of two people dancing

Participation Programme

Breaking down barriers and getting more people involved in dance

Participation Programme
Jamie Watton

The Jamie Watton Fund

Honouring Jamie's memory and ensuring his legacy for generations to come

The Jamie Watton Fund
Dancer being held through smoke and lights

Artist Support

We are committed to supporting dance artists to develop their practice and further their careers

Find out more
Artist Support