Arts Council England NPO funding 2023-26

We are hugely grateful to announce that we have been successful in our application to Arts Council England’s NPO funding programme 2023-26.

Puffin Community Nursery at The Dance Space

This will allow us to continue to support dance artists to take creative risks, push boundaries, and challenge perceptions of what dance is and can be; and empower every body to create, take part in and enjoy dance.

We fully appreciate the significance of this financial support - given the nature of this incredibly competitive NPO investment round and the extremely challenging economic climate that the whole of the arts & cultural sector is operating in. We look forward to using this investment to work with all of our much-valued communities now and into the future.

This is an image of Avant Garde Dance performing at Big Dance Brighton in 2012

About Us

South East Dance is an arts charity dedicated to challenging perceptions of what dance is, who it’s for and what it can achieve.

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About Us
Adults and children playing with balloons

What We Do

We are a charity dedicated to making the South East a thriving home for dance

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What We Do
Dancer in front of light blue background

Our Supporters & Partners

Meet our key funders, donors, supporters and project partners, without whom our work would not be possible.

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