Announcing New Job Placement Opportunities at South East Dance!

We are very excited to announce that we are offering six paid job placements, in the form of Dance Artist Entrepreneur roles, as part of the Government Kickstart Scheme.

Our City Dances 2018. Photo: Zoe Manders

The Kickstart Scheme is a six-month career development opportunity for young people aged 16-24 years who are in receipt of Universal Credit. During the placement, which takes places from May – November 2021, six young people will join us for 25 hours per week in a programme structured around three strands of work: 


  • Joining one of South East Dance’s existing staff teams to help deliver projects
  • Working with the other Kickstart placements as one of six dance artists to form a small company and deliver their own choreographic project
  • Being supported to work on an independent project focussing on an area of specific creative interest. 


All placements will receive a salary in line with the minimum wage, as well as wraparound training, mentoring, supervision, and coaching. 

South East Dance is joining forces with Yorkshire Dance and DanceEast who are also hosting Kickstart placements. Together they will create a national Kickstart dance cohort who will come together online for group training and professional development, providing a unique opportunity for placements to network and develop professional links across the country.

If you fulfil the Kickstart Scheme criteria, have experience of and a passion for dance and an interest in working with professional dance artists, we’d love to hear from you. 

We recognise the positive values of diversity, promote equality and challenge all forms of discrimination. We actively welcome and encourage people of all backgrounds to apply for this role. We particularly welcome applications from those who identify as D/deaf or D/disabled, people of African or Caribbean heritage, people of South, East and South East Asian heritage and people who are ethnically diverse and/or with lived experience of racism, ableism, genderism or socio-economic disadvantage.

To apply, please contact your Job Centre Coach and request the application details of the South East Dance Kickstart Placement.