Second Floor Access Features
The Second Floor has the following access features:
- Access to all floors via a lift
- A wheelchair accessible studio/performance space (The Jamie Watton Creation Space)
- A kitchenette in the artist’s green room with wheelchair accessible surfaces and facilities
- 1 x unisex standard sized WC in a unisex bathroom entered by a lobby with a sink and a mirror inside the cubicle.
- 1 x disabled toilet cubicle. This is in a unisex bathroom entered through a lobby with a sink and a mirror inside the cubicle. It also has:
- Grab rails
- Drop down rails for WC
- Alarm pull cord and reset button
- 1 x disabled changing room with an accessible toilet, sink and shower. This is sized 2.8 x 2.25 metres and has:
- Drop down rails for WC & shower
- Mirror
- Grab rails
- Shower seat
- Baton hand shower, wall bar and mixers
- Alarm pull cord and reset button