Introducing the Kickstart Scheme

In June this year the five Dance Artist Entrepreneurs joined us in the South East Dance team as part of the Government Kickstart Scheme. The six-month career-development programme will see the cohort of dance artists work together, with the wider team, and as part of a national Kickstart cohort.

Kickstart programme participants Betty Maguire, Freya Brown, Pearl Makayi, Clea Godsill and Chloe Snelgrove

We’re excited to welcome dance artists Pearl Makayi, Clea Godsill, Freya Brown, Betty Maguire and Chloe Snelgrove to join us. Over the next six months they will be working on a programme that will be structured around three strands of work:

Working with our different teams, the Kickstart cohort will be forming their own small company, producing their own choreographic project, as well as contributing to a number of ongoing projects, including the launch of The Dance Space. They will also be supported to work on an independent project, focussing on an area of specific creative interest. 

We are joining forces with Yorkshire Dance and DanceEast, who are also hosting Kickstart placements. Together the Dance Artist Entrepeneurs will create a national Kickstart dance cohort who will come together for online group training and professional development. This provides a unique opportunity for placements to network and develop professional links across the country. 

We will be sharing their journey with you over the next six months - keep an eye out across our social media channels to stay up to date. 

We’re so pleased to announce that all unrestricted donations for the past three months will be used to support the Kickstart scheme, including those raised through our Easyfundraising partnership. We’d like to thank all of our supporters , and if you’d like to find out more about the different ways you can support us visit our donate pages here.

Meet the Kickstart Scheme

Clea in a side lunging position, dancing on grass

Meet our Kickstart Team - Clea Godsill

Meet Clea, one of our Dance Artist Entrepreneurs

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Meet our Kickstart Team - Clea Godsill
Freya wearing dark green trousers and a light green patterned top, dancing outside in front of a column

Meet our Kickstart Team - Freya Brown

Meet Freya, one of our Dance Artist Entrepreneurs

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Meet our Kickstart Team - Freya Brown
Chloe dancing outside, wearing black shorts, and a patterned top

Meet our Kickstart Team - Chloe Snelgrove

Meet Chloe, one of our Dance Artist Entrepreneurs

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Meet our Kickstart Team - Chloe Snelgrove
Betty is wearing all black clothing with white socks, dancing in a plain white studio in front of a wooden ballet barre.

Meet our Kickstart Team - Betty Maguire

Meet Betty, one of our Dance Artist Entrepreneurs

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Meet our Kickstart Team - Betty Maguire
A colour headshot of Pearl Makayi against a black background

Meet our Kickstart Team - Pearl Makayi

Meet Pearl, one of our Dance Artist Entrepreneurs

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Meet our Kickstart Team - Pearl Makayi

Kickstart Scheme Supporters

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