Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions about U.Dance South East Regional Platforms
QU: What if some dancers in my group are younger or older than the eligible age range?
A: All dancers must be aged 11 to 19 years, or up to and including age 25 for disabled dancers or those living with long-term health conditions, on 31 July 2025.
We are open to conversations about dancers aged 20-25 years who do not have a disability or long-term health condition, but whose personal circumstances may have prevented them from engaging with dance at younger ages, have had a break from dancing or have come to dance later. Sarah is happy to meet to talk through on the phone, in person, over video call or email: or telephone: 07483 098854
QU: If selected for the U.Dance South East Regional Platform 2025 do all my dancers need to be available for the whole day and evening?
A: Groups will need all of their dancers to attend the afternoon activities of technical rehearsals and workshops. All groups must attend the evening platform that starts at 7pm.
QU: Can I submit a work-in-progress or an incomplete piece?
A: Yes. However, please be aware that the panel select pieces based on the submitted video clips. Therefore, the more cohesive and rehearsed the dance piece, even short excerpts, the easier it is for the panel to get an idea what the final dance piece will look like when performed on stage.
QU: Can I apply with one piece and change it to another if selected?
A: No – the filmed dance piece in your application must be the SAME as the final piece presented at the U.Dance South East Regional Platform 2025 and the U.Dance National Festival.
QU: Can I apply with a piece that we have performed before and with a different group of dancers?
Submit a dance piece that has not been extensively showcased. The panel are looking for recent pieces that have either not been performed/screened before or have only been shown a few times. Please only submit pieces with filmed footage of the dancers who will attend on 11 March if selected.
QU: Can groups and schools apply with more than one piece?
A: You can submit more than one piece. In this instance you must complete a separate application form for each piece. However, it is recommended that you consider choosing the piece that you feel has the best chance of being selected and work for a really strong application with that one piece.
QU: Is it possible to show projections on the backdrop as part of our dance piece?
A: No, it will not be possible to show projections as part of your dance piece at The Hawth, Crawley.
QU: If our group was in the U.Dance National Festival 2024 can we apply for the U.Dance South East Regional Platform 2025 and also be considered for the U.Dance National Festival 2025?
A: To spread representation, groups who were selected from their region at the U.Dance National Festival in 2024 will not be eligible for selection in 2025 (regardless of whether they attended or not). However, they are welcome and strongly encouraged to apply the following year.
QU: Where can I find more details The Hawth Crawley?
A: The stage dimensions are 21 metres wide x 13 metres deep.
The stage has a sprung harlequin floor
There are wings either side of the stage.
There is run-around space backstage to move from one side of the stage to the other during the dance piece.
There is a large car park with plenty of spaces at the venue.
Crawley and Three Bridges train station are 20 minutes’ walk from the venue.
Please bring food and drink with you. There is a small cafe/pizza bar at the venue but this will only be open during the evening and have very limited options.
Selected groups will receive full details from DanceHub CIC
Access information
QU: Do you have any advice about health and safety?
A: Please refer to your organisation/school/company’s Safeguarding Policy and Risk Assessment.
If you would like to talk to us in relation to health and safety in your setting please contact
QU: Where can I find out information about previous year’s U.Dance National Festival?
A: You can view previous U.Dance National Festival highlights on the One Dance UK YouTube channel
Updates for the U.Dance National Festival 2025 will be posted in the coming months on the One Dance UK website
QU: Does One Dance UK have any advice, tips and resources for group leaders and teachers?
A: Yes! Check out their website
QU: Who can I contact at South East Dance if I have questions about my U.Dance South East Regional Platform application?
A: Sarah Kearney by email at: or by telephone on: 07483 098854. Sarah’s working days are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
U.Dance 2025 Application Details

Let’s Dance Crawley featuring the U.Dance South East Regional Platform 2025
U.Dance celebrates the future of dance by giving schools, colleges and youth dance companies a platform to shine in a professional space.

Performance licences & chaperones
The safety and wellbeing of all participants is a key priority

Application Filming Guidelines
Give your group and dance piece the best possible chance with our panel

Application form questions
All the questions included in the online application form, to help you prepare for your U.Dance South East 2024 application

U.Dance National Festival 2025
A number of pieces from the regional platforms will be selected for the National Festival