Application Filming Guidelines

As part of your application process, we require submission of both the completed online application form and film footage of the piece by 12noon on Friday 22 November 2024.  

Varndean College Dance at HOSTED 2024. Photo DF Photography

Please submit the finished version of dance piece. This can be work in progress, almost completed or a finished dance piece. This does not need to be professional quality film. Filming on your phone or device is fine, as long as the footage is clear, well lit and shows all the dancers. For more helpful tips, please read on…

Filming your Dance Piece

Please use the Dos and Don’ts to help you make sure that you give your group and dance piece the best possible chance with our panel.


Do provide film footage of a minimum of 2 minutes and a maximum of 5 minutes in duration. 


Don’t supply short clips of only a few seconds or footage longer than 5 minutes.
Do film the piece in a way that allows the panel to see it as it will appear on stage – showing all the dancers and filmed from the front.  Don’t film the piece as dance for screen. For example, don’t use close-ups, film effects &   editing, or from different angles etc.   
Do use your final choice of music that will be in the final dance piece.

Don’t include ‘place holder’ music. The panel make their decision based on all artistic choices in the application dance film, including the music. 
Do have the dancers in costume or in clothes as close as possible to the final costume choice. 

Don’t forget to help our panel picture what it will look like if the dancers are not in the final choice of costume. You can include these details in your application form.

Do make sure that you film the piece in a clear space (move bags or chairs out of shot where possible).

Think about what is in shot and making the space as clear as possible. 

Don’t distract the panel with clutter in the room - they may be mistaken for props. 

Do include all dancers in the filming (or as close to all). Do include the same group of dancers who will attend the U.Dance Regional platform, if selected.  

Don’t film a piece that should have 20 dancers with only two present. If selected don’t bring a completely different set of dancers to the event than appeared in the application film footage. 


Do make sure that your dance piece and group are well lit and clearly visible. 


Don’t film in the dark. (Unless that is part of the piece)
Do make sure that there is a clear start and clear finish

Don’t have the dancers stood chatting casually at the back (unless this is part of your piece)



How to send your footage


  • In the online application form include the URL link (e.g. YouTube link or Vimeo link) to your dance piece.

  • If this is a private password protected link please make sure you also include the password on your application form.


Do check that your URL link works before sendingDon’t just send it in without checking it works
Do check that we have received your footage/application if you do not hear from us within 10 working days. Don’t feel like you are pestering us, we would rather make sure that all applications come through successfully.

Do submit the film of your dance piece as a URL link. For example to vimeo, youtube or dropbox. 


Do send any passwords that we need to be able to view your URL link (if a private YouTube link)

Don’t submit a link to a downloadable file. South East Dance and the panel members do not have the facility to store everyone’s films as film files on their laptops or devices.

Don’t make your footage so private that our panel cannot watch it

Don’t assume that the panel have a vimeo or youtube account. It must be accessible for panel members to view without needing their own vimeo, dropbox or youtube accounts.

Do make sure that when played on a laptop, or any device, the footage plays the correct way up and not on its side (you may need to change the orientation that you film it).



Don’t forget to test this before submitting the clip to us.

Do contact us if you have any questions


Don’t let footage submission be stressful and confusing – talk to us before the application deadline. 

How to apply:

All applications are to be made by video, submitting a URL link of your dance piece to South East Dance through our online application form

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U.Dance 2025 Application Details

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Application form questions

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Application form questions
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Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions