Application Questions
To help you prepare for your U.Dance Digital South East Regional Platform application please find below all the questions included in the online application form.
Please note that this is NOT the application form.
All applications MUST be made via the online application form
By telephone. Telephone application appointments must be made in advance by contacting Sarah Kearney on [javascript protected email address] or 01273 696844.
Please note that the online application form will take approximately half an hour to complete. Please allow time to complete the full application form as it is not possible to save the form and return later. The full list of questions is available below for your reference to allow you to prepare for completing the online application form.
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: 12 noon, Friday 26 February 2021
Support and Access
What do you need to engage with us at your best? Please let us know.
We welcome applications from inclusive groups working with young dancers who identify as D/disabled or D/deaf.
As part of the application process, groups/solo applicants will be required to submit a video file of their filmed dance piece and evidence of secured music rights or details of royalty-free music or original music composed solely for the piece.
Selected groups/solos will be required to submit documentation/forms and a photograph of the piece.
Please let South East Dance know if you need support with administration as part of the application & selection process.
To discuss access and support requirements please contact South East Dance on 01273 696844 and ask for Sarah or email:
Covid-19 update – 15 January 2021
Since this most recent lockdown in January, some of the information in this application form may be less relevant due to current Covid-19 restrictions. Please be aware that the details and questions in the application form have not changed since it went live in December 2020. Bear in mind that the guidelines were written during autumn 2020. Please contact us if anything is not clear and if you have any queries.
Application questions – for reference only
Page 1 – About The Group Or Solo Applicant
Contact details
For applications by young makers/dancers aged under 18 years please provide a name and contact details of your parent/carer or teacher/youth leader/dance teacher.
- Name of group / company / solo artist
- Full name of group leader / adult contact
- Email address for group leader / adult contact
- Telephone number for group leader / adult contact
- Optional: name, email address & telephone number for applicants under 18 years old.
- Groups / Solo applicants selected for the U.Dance Digital South East Regional Platform 2021 will need to be available to contact between 12-31 March 2021. You will be asked to provide contact details for a group leader/adult contact if different from above.
About the group / solo applicant
Please note you must be based in one of the following counties to be eligible for the U.Dance Digital South East Regional Platform: Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, East Sussex, Kent, Oxfordshire, Surrey or West Sussex.
- Where is the group/solo applicant based? Please provide the town/city, county and postcode
- Which of the following settings best describes your group? School group / private dance school or academy / youth dance company or group / independent solo applicant / other.
- How long has the group been working together?
- For solo applicants – how long have you been dancing and/or creating work?
- If this is a school group – is the school an Artsmark School? YES/NO/DON’T KNOW
- Does your group have dancers who identify as D/disabled or D/Deaf? YES/NO
Page 2: Application Routes & Applicant Details
- State whether you are applying for U.Dance on Stage or U.Dance on Screen
- Please outline your group’s/solo applicant’s Covid-19 working practices.
This can be brief bullet points. - How many dancers are there in the group?
(U.Dance on Stage – Maximum 30 dancers
U.Dance on Screen – No upper limit on dancer numbers) - Number of dancers who identify as:
Prefer to self-describe
Please state the age range of your dancers. (*Eligible age range is 11-19 years or up to the age of 25 if they have a disability.)
- Number of 11 year olds (KS2)
- Number of 12 to 14 year olds (KS3)
- Number of 15 to 16 year olds (KS4)
- Number of 17 to 18 year olds (KS5)
- Number of 19 year olds
- Number of 20 to 25 year olds
Page 3: Regulation Requirements
Please be prepared to provide proof of Public Liability Insurance (PLI) cover if selected for the U.Dance Digital South East Regional Platform 2021. Solo applicants working independently will not require PLI. You must have media consent for all dancers appearing in your filmed dance piece. For dancers aged under 18 years consent must be confirmed by a parent/guardian. Dancers aged 18 years or over can give media consent on their own behalf. South East Dance will be applying for a BOPA for the U.Dance Digital South East Regional Platform. If selected for the platform each group or solo applicant will need to complete a Brighton & Hove City Council Participant Information form. South East Dance will provide this on notification of selection
- Do you have PLI that is applicable for your work with this group? YES/NO
- You will be asked to confirm that you understand that you must have media consent for every dancer that appears in the submitted filmed dance piece.
- You will be asked to confirm that you understand that there is a requirement to provide information for the BOPA if selected.
Page 4: U.Dance Digital South East Regional Platform 2021
U.Dance Digital South East Regional Platform 2021 will take place 23 & 24 April 2021.
Online platform: Facebook Watch Party and YouTube Premiere.
Time: Evening. Exact time to be confirmed closer to the date.
The digital event will be available to view on and YouTube for one month following the event.
Applicants will be notified of the panel’s decision regarding selection by 19 March 2021.
Selected groups/solos will be required to submit documentation, forms and a photograph of the piece to South East Dance by 31 March 2021. Please let South East Dance know if you need support with administration by contacting Sarah Kearney on or phone: 01273 696844 or we can arrange a video call.
- You will be asked to confirm that you understand the requirement to complete the documentation, forms and provide a photograph by 31 March if selected for the U.Dance Digital South East Regional Platform 2021.
Page 5: About The Dance Piece
PLEASE NOTE: You MUST submit the final version of your dance piece on film as part of your application. If selected, the dance film submitted with this application will be the video file uploaded and screened as part of the online digital event. Therefore, submitted dance pieces that are not finished or are work in progress will not be considered for selection.
- Title of piece
- Duration of piece (between 2 and 7 minutes)
- Choreographed by: dancers / group leader / invited choreographer / other (you will be asked to select as many as apply)
- Filming and Editing by: dancers / group leader / invited filmmaker / other (you will be asked to select as many as apply)
- Dance styles or genres included
Page 6: Music, Film And Group Details
With pieces being streamed online at Regional Platforms and, if selected, at the U.Dance National Festival 2021, there are strict rules and legal requirements surrounding music licensing and rights. Groups should not assume they can use any piece of music for free – the rights MUST be secured. South East Dance are unable to pay to secure rights to any music accompaniment to pieces, and will not be able to stream the piece online if the rights are not secured.
Therefore, we strongly recommend using royalty-free music as an accompaniment to your dance piece.
Please read the music guidelines from One Dance UK
- You will be asked to confirm that you understand the requirements surrounding music licensing and rights.
- Which option applies to the music used in your piece? Royalty-free music / original music composed solely for the piece / copyright music that requires music licensing and rights (If using more than one track you will be asked to select as many as apply)
- Please provide the following for each track used in your filmed dance piece: title of music & composer/artist/musician.
Information you may need when securing music rights and licensing:
U.Dance Digital South East Regional Platform 2021
Dates: Friday 23 April & Saturday 24 April 2021
Time: Evening. Exact times to be announced closer to the dates.
Location: Facebook Watch Party and YouTube Premiere.
Each selected dance piece will be screened on one or both dates. The digital event will be available to view on and YouTube for one month following the event.
Please submit your filmed dance piece as an MP4 file.
South East Dance will contact you within ten working days of receipt of your application form with details of how to submit the dance film of your piece.
- You will be asked to confirm that you understand that your filmed dance piece must be submitted as an MP4 file.
Group Details
- A description of the company/group/school/solo applicant (max. 50 words)
- Please provide a brief (max. 100 words) description about your piece. Include details such as: the inspiration and concept behind the piece, and what the piece is about.
- How did you hear about U.Dance 2021?
- Would you like to be considered as part of the selection for the U.Dance National Festival 2021?
NO – go to page 10
YES – go to page 7
Page 7: U.Dance National Festival
Before proceeding please read One Dance UK’s U.Dance 2021 Guidance Notes
If you have any questions please contact South East Dance.
- You will be asked to confirm that you have read and understood the U.Dance 2021 Application Guidance Notes provided by One Dance UK
- Do you agree that South East Dance can share your contact details with One Dance UK should you be shortlisted for a place at U.Dance 2021? YES/NO
(One Dance UK will contact shortlisted groups/soloists to let them know whether they have been selected for the U.Dance National Festival 2021 and to provide all information required for selected groups/soloists to attend U.Dance National Festival events). - Have you ever applied or been selected to attend a National U.Dance event before? If yes, when?
- Which strand of U.Dance are you applying for?
U.Dance on Stage
U.Dance on Screen
Page 8 & 9: U.Dance On Stage And U.Dance On Screen
For details about what to expect if selected for the U.Dance National Festival, please read the U.Dance 2021 Guidance Notes that are available in the link on page 7.
There is no fee charged by One Dance UK for groups or soloists selected to take part. Groups should consider how they will cover the cost of their travel and food if live events such as the professional recording and workshops are to take place
South East Dance may have limited bursaries available for groups and soloists selected to attend live National Festival activity.
- If you are selected for U.Dance 2021, how do you intend to raise the cost per person to attend?
- If selected for the National Festival would you like to receive information about the South East Dance bursary? YES/NO/MAYBE
- How far are you able to travel for National Festival live events? (you will be asked to select as many as apply) within your county / within the south east region / outside the south east region & up to 3 hours travel / outside the south east region & more than 3 hours travel / other.
Page 10: Chaperone/Licensing For The U.Dance 2021 National Festival
At U.Dance live events, there are certain considerations that Group Leaders need to take into account to ensure they meet artistic, health and safety and pastoral requirements when applying. These include:
- All groups will need to provide two (or three if there are 16 or more dancers) suitable chaperones (i.e. over 21yrs, experienced in leading, teaching, supervising the group, DBS checked within the last three years and not involved in the performance of the group’s piece).
- Chaperones should match the gender of the group. If the group is of mixed gender, there must be at least one male and one female leader accompanying them.
- Solo performers will need to be accompanied by a responsible adult/chaperone.
- Does the group currently have the appropriate number and gender of chaperones? YES/NO
If yes, you will be expected to supply details of chaperones if selected for the National Festival.
If no, please ensure you begin the process of organising suitable chaperones as soon as possible after selection for the U.Dance National Festival as it can take several weeks for DBS applications to process.
Page 11: Checklist Of Requirements Before Submitting
Application checklist
- I have fully completed all sections of the application form above
- I have my filmed dance piece as an MP4 file ready to be uploaded to Dropbox when I receive instructions from South East Dance
- I confirm the music used is royalty-free OR Original music composed solely for the piece Or that I can provide evidence of secured music rights
Page 12: Declaration
You will be asked to confirm the following on your application form:
I have read and understood the Information and Guidance Notes and have completed this form to the best of my knowledge.
- I confirm that I have read and understood the platform eligibility requirements.
- I can confirm that I have secured the necessary music rights for my filmed dance piece.
- I can confirm that if I am submitting a U.Dance on Stage piece that there are a maximum of 30 dancers in the group.
- I can confirm that the piece is no longer than 7 minutes.
- I can confirm that all dancers are between 11-19 years old (or 25 if they have a disability).
To apply:
1. Fully complete all sections of the online application form
2. Submit an MP4 file of your filmed dance piece.*
3. If applicable: Submit supporting documentation evidencing secured music rights / licensing.*
*Details of how to submit your MP4 file and evidence of secured music rights will be provided by South East Dance within ten working days of receipt of this application form.
We would really appreciate it if you could complete the online Equality & Diversity Monitoring Form.
As a charity reliant on support from Arts Council England, amongst other funding bodies, it is vital that we are able to report as true a picture of who we’re in touch with as possible. This information in the Equality and Diversity Monitoring Form will not be used to assess your application. The selection panel will NOT have access to this data.
South East Dance:
- Will not accept late applications.
- Has the right to refuse applications that do not meet all the eligibility criteria.
- Along with the panel members has the final decision on all selected groups.
- Has limited bursaries for selected groups to the U.Dance National Festival and will offer them on eligibility on a first come first served basis.
Reminder: This is NOT the application form. These questions are for your reference to help prepare to complete the online application form.
U.Dance Digital South East Regional Platform 2021 is a partnership event between South East Dance and One Dance UK. Generously supported by Arts Council England. South East Dance is proud to be an Arts Award Supporter and Artsmark Partner.