COVID-19 Safety Measures
- Clean your hands upon arrival and departure from the Brighthelm Centre.
Hand sanitiser and hand washing facilities are available at the venue.
- Be aware that in crowded spaces we encourage that individuals wear face coverings especially in busy areas (e.g. corridors, lifts, waiting areas) where it is not possible to maintain social distance, but ultimately it is down to individual choice.
- Be aware that participants and the teaching team will not need to wear face coverings during the class, unless specifically advised to by their doctor or medical specialist.
- Be aware that individuals should do what makes them feel safe / comfortable, and that includes maintaining distancing as well as wearing face coverings, but this will not be enforced by the venue or South East Dance.
- Bring a bottle of water to class in a non-breakable container.
To avoid sharing of water bottles, everyone must bring their own drink, labelled or in a highly distinguishable container.
- Let the teacher or assistant know if you do not feel well.
- DO NOT attend class if you or a member of your household has COVID-19 symptoms, however mild.
- DO NOT attend class if you have had a positive PCR test or positive Lateral Flow test.
- DO NOT attend class if you have been advised to isolate.
- Please follow NHS guidance. Children under 11 are not required to take a lateral flow test. However please do one prior to attending if you are 11 or over, or wish to do so. Please do a lateral flow test or if you have been in direct contact with someone who had COVID-19 and you have no symptoms.
We will:
- Reduce the class sizes to avoid overcrowding in the classes.
- Avoid close contact between participants in the sessions, including avoiding huddling together.
- Regularly review COVID-19 government guidance to inform our safety measures, with an aim to reduce the risk of transmission.
The venue
- Will clean the room prior to the class
- Provide hand sanitiser in the room
- Has a ventilation system that meets the government Covid-19 guidelines.